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Compostable ‘bioplastics’ make inroads with consumers

Looking for an eco-friendly alternative to traditional plastics — especially single-use items like bags, straws and picnic tableware — many supermarkets and vendors are offering an array of compostable alternatives made from plant fibersstarches. Link:

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No part wasted from the garden

We are picking cucumbers, broccoli, all kinds of greens, squashes, no lettuce. The chickens ate the second planting of lettuce. How could they help it? It looked so delicious springing up from the ground. Link:

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Vic recycling crisis slammed as ‘tragedy‘

Local councils are pushing Victorian residents to be waste-smart and reduce the "environmental tragedy" of massive quantities of recyclables headed straight for landfill, following the closure of a major waste company. Link:

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Looking Back To Look Ahead

Reading Editorials written by BioCycle founder Jerry Goldstein over a five decade period reveals how so much of what is taken for granted today came to be. Link:

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Composting And AD In California

Recent survey of large, operating composting and anaerobic digestion facilities sheds light on the state’s capacity to process the increasing flow of diverted organics. Link:

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From trash to cash: Recycling arrives in Perth with reverse vending machines

A trial reverse vending machine that could form the backbone of a Perth-wide container deposit scheme has taken off in Bull Creek, giving customers a feel for the technology before the state government rolls out its recycling initiative next year. Link:

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