
How to reduce your waste impact during COVID-19 times

In 2018 members of the Marine Resources Committee, Friends of the San Juans, San Juan County Solid Waste, the Lopez Solid Waste District and the Orcas Exchange came together to build an education and awareness building campaign aimed at changing citizen behavior and the cultures of plastic use in San Juan County and throughout the wider Salish Sea region. This group has continued to grow and expand their ideas and efforts. But, the global pandemic that we now find ourselves in has found the group being called upon to provide guidance on newly emerging issues related to plastics and waste.


Orgão Emissor:
Assunto: English, Latest News

Entidades articulam maior geraç&227o de energia a partir de resíduos

Uma frente formada por quatro associaç&245es setoriais será lançada hoje (2) para buscar soluç&245es destinadas &224 ampliaç&227o do aproveitamento energético dos resíduos sólidos no Brasil. Assinar&227o remotamente o Acordo de Cooperaç&227o para Recuperaç&227o Energética de Resíduos a Associaç&227o Brasileira de Cimento Portland (ABCP), a Associaç&227o Brasileira de Empresas Tratamento de Resíduos e Efluentes (Abetre), a Associaç&227o Brasileira do Biogás (ABiogás) e a Associaç&227o Brasileira de Empresas de Limpeza Pública e Resíduos Especiais (Abrelpe).

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Orgão Emissor:
Assunto: Notícias, Português, Últimas Notícias