
New technique could accelerate waste-to-methane production

In a recent study, environmental engineering master‘s student Bappi Chowdhury and his colleagues found that adding conductive materials to the waste products could potentially turn them into a reliable feedstock, allowing for a production rate of up to 70 percent more biomethane—a renewable energy source—from a mixture of fat, oil and grease and ordinary food waste in an anaerobic digester.


Orgão Emissor:
Assunto: English, Latest News

We averted an economic crisis by turning food waste into black gold

Few foresaw the waste crisis that plagued Massachusetts in the 2030s. By 2029, global recycling markets had collapsed, and every Massachusetts landfill was closed. All state waste was exported to distant places like Alabama and Mississippi, at exorbitant prices. For mainland municipalities, the cost of disposal doubled, and transportation costs went through the roof.


Orgão Emissor:
Assunto: English, Latest News

La ineficacia del actual modelo y las nuevas normativas europeas sobre residuos hacen necesario un cambio en el sistema de gestión de la basura

Compromís celebró una charla sobre gestión de residuos en la que participaron el Director General de Calidad y Educación Ambiental, Joan Piquer Huerga, y la educadora ambiental del municipio de Orba (Alicante), Neus Donet

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Orgão Emissor:
Assunto: Las Últimas, Notícias, Spañol