
New Sustainable Fiber from Bottles at High Risk of Entering the Ocean

North Carolina based recycled fibre specialist, Unifi, has launched a new sustainable product dubbed REPREVE Our Ocean which is made from bottles collected within 50 kilometres of coastlines in countriesareas that lack formal wasterecycling systems.


Orgão Emissor:
Assunto: Latest News, Notícias

El exceso de regulaciones impide que el reciclaje sea un éxito en México, coinciden expertos

Los niveles de acopio de residuos logrados en México son muy altos, pero no se ha generado un sistema para que todo lo recogido se convierta en nuevos productos.


Los niveles de acopio de residuos logrados en México son muy altos, pero no se ha generado un sistema para que todo lo recogido se convierta en nuevos productos.

Orgão Emissor:
Assunto: Las Últimas, Notícias

ECLUSE steam network officially opened

The very first large-scale industrial steam network at the Port of Antwerp, ECLUSE, is operational. On 15th March 2019, in the presence of around 200 invited guests, Flemish ministers Philippe Muyters and Lydia Peeters started the supply of steam over the network with a symbolic press of a button. ECLUSE will supply steam generated during waste incineration to five chemical companies at the port. That means these companies no longer have to generate the steam they need for their production processes in their own steam boilers, which will reduce CO2 emissions by as much as 100,000 tonnes a year.


Orgão Emissor:
Assunto: Latest News, Notícias

Is burning trash a good way to handle it? Waste incineration in 5 charts

Burning trash has a long history in the United States, and municipal solid waste incinerators have sparked resistance in many places. As an environmental justice scholar who works directly with low-income and communities of color, I see incineration as a poor waste management option.


Orgão Emissor:
Assunto: Latest News, Notícias

Diseñador vasco crea ropa y zapatillas solo con material reciclado

El diseñador vizcaíno Aitor Álvarez ha creado una línea de zapatillas, camisetas y sudaderas con material 100 por 100 reciclado, entre otras cosas tras tomar conciencia de la contaminación plástica que padece el planeta. "He intentado aunar mis pasiones, las zapatillas, el surf y el reciclaje. Lo metemos en la coctelera, y surgió esta idea", ha afirmado.


Orgão Emissor:
Assunto: Las Últimas, Notícias