
From trash to cash: Recycling arrives in Perth with reverse vending machines

A trial reverse vending machine that could form the backbone of a Perth-wide container deposit scheme has taken off in Bull Creek, giving customers a feel for the technology before the state government rolls out its recycling initiative next year.


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Assunto: Latest News, Notícias

How establishing the Shanghai model of waste disposal can be revolutionary

Regulations on the Administration of Domestic Waste in Shanghai came into effect on July 1, 2019.

This shows that Shanghai is carrying out the most ambitious garbage revolution in history, with the topic "Garbage Classification Revolution" in Shanghai becoming a major point of public discussion, attracting media attention at home and abroad.


Orgão Emissor:
Assunto: Latest News, Notícias

Waste plastics poison the food chain and contribute to global warming

A growing body of research shows that waste plastic is becoming a major source of environmental pollution, including as a potentially significant contributor of greenhouse gases, a principal cause of global warming. As has long been the case with fossil fuels, the plastics industry is attempting to suppress knowledge of the problem.


Orgão Emissor:
Assunto: Latest News, Notícias

Ministerio del Medio Ambiente avanza en Estrategia Nacional de Residuos Orgánicos Domiciliarios

En poco tiempo, los residuos orgánicos generados en Chile tendrán que ser separados y dispuestos en contenedores especiales para que un camión los retire y lleve a una planta de compostaje.


Orgão Emissor:
Assunto: Las Últimas, Notícias

Plastic waste from foreign nations dumped in East Java village

Since last year a small rice farming village in East Java called Bangun has become a dumping ground for global waste. Piles of recyclable waste cover the streets and hide houses from view. Whole paddy fields are blanketed in huge heaps of rubbish which grow higher and wider each day as delivery trucks from Surabaya offload tonne after tonne of foreign shipments.


Orgão Emissor:
Assunto: Latest News, Notícias