Recycling has innumerable advantages.
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Cd. de México, México (28 julio 2019).- Con menos de 250 gramos de residuos en su departamento, el ambientalista Arnold Ricalde genera, en una semana, menos de una cuarta parte de lo que un capitalino promedio genera al día.
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Siblings in Dubai have recycled around 15,000 kg of paper and 460 kg of plastic
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Commuters in Rome are exchanging used plastic bottles for Metro and bus tickets under a scheme the city’s mayor has called a first for Europe.
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El tratamiento que combina los residuos pecuarios con las hojas recolectadas en la limpieza de espacios verdes, genera oportunidades económicas a los productores hortícolas y a la vez reduce los riesgos de contaminación cruzada.
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Roughly US29 billion will be needed if the Shanghai trash-sorting program is implemented across nation
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Roughly US29 billion will be needed if the Shanghai trash-sorting program is implemented across nation
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KAMPALA, July 28 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – At their workshop in a Kampala suburb, Lawrence Okettayot and his business partner, both in their mid-20s, drilled holes and screws into a steel-lined, green wooden box designed to dry food in an eco-friendly way.
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Trash sorting initiative, if successful, would point way for rest of China after past failures
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The company, which handles about half of the state’s recycling, is in financial crisis and has told local councils it can no longer accept material
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