
Ya puedes leer la edición digital del número Especial Reciclaje 2019

Ya puedes leer la versión digital del número 214 ‘Especial Reciclaje 2019‘ de RETEMA. Un número enfocado integramente a la industria del reciclaje, en la que abordamos de la mano de algunos de los principales actores del sector la situación y desafíos de la industria.


Orgão Emissor:
Assunto: Las Últimas, Notícias

Gardening with James Vaughan: How to make the perfect compost

know that some people would not agree with me, but the recent spell of rain and low air pressure were badly needed. Several established shrubs in my garden were beginning to flag. I needed to resort to watering in the evenings with watering cans. As you can imagine this is a time consuming and laborious task.


Orgão Emissor:
Assunto: Latest News, Notícias

Human composting a revolting practice (letter)

A news brief in the May 22 LNP informs us that Gov. Jay Inslee, of Washington state, signed legislation making Washington the first state in the nation to approve human composting as an alternative to buryingcremation.


Orgão Emissor:
Assunto: Latest News, Notícias

Turkey becomes new dump for global plastic waste

A World Wildlife report this month on plastic pollution in the Mediterranean found the highest amount of plastic debris had accumulated in Turkey‘s Cilicia on the southeastern coast. The report also ranked Turkey as the second biggest contributor to mismanaged waste in the region after Egypt, with Turkey responsible for 18.9 of the waste in the Mediterranean.


Orgão Emissor:
Assunto: Latest News, Notícias