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Se você estava levando a fama de ecológico na família só porque toma banho em cinco minutos, prepare-se para perder o título. Ao conhecer o americano Dave Chameides, 40 anos, seus esforços terão de ser maiores. O cinegrafista e diretor de programas de TV decidiu guardar todo o lixo que produziu em 2008 no depósito de casa – os descartes orgânicos eram colocados em uma composteira.

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Orgão Emissor:
Assunto: Notícias, Português, Últimas Notícias

The Limits of Recycling

I’ve spent the better part of a week in Japan, now, visiting some of the most advanced recycling facilities in the world. In some ways, it’s been exhilarating: Japan’s strict regulatory structure ensures that the most difficult wastes – say, automobiles – are recycled as far as current technology and economics allow.


Orgão Emissor:
Assunto: English, Latest News

The Limits of Recycling

I’ve spent the better part of a week in Japan, now, visiting some of the most advanced recycling facilities in the world. In some ways, it’s been exhilarating: Japan’s strict regulatory structure ensures that the most difficult wastes – say, automobiles – are recycled as far as current technology and economics allow.


Orgão Emissor:
Assunto: Latest News, Notícias

The Limits of Recycling

I’ve spent the better part of a week in Japan, now, visiting some of the most advanced recycling facilities in the world. In some ways, it’s been exhilarating: Japan’s strict regulatory structure ensures that the most difficult wastes – say, automobiles – are recycled as far as current technology and economics allow.

Link to full article

Orgão Emissor:
Assunto: English, Latest News, Notícias