
Concreto com borracha garante destinação ecologicamente correta a pneus inservíveis

BRASÍLIA – DF: O Instituto Via Viva elaborou uma nova tecnologia na fabricação de concreto, capaz de abrandar as conseqüências dos acidentes de trânsito, além de colaborar com a preservação do meio ambiente. Trata-se do concreto DI® (Deformável e Isolante), utilizado para a construção de barreiras rodoviárias, que ficam mais elásticas e absorvem mais impacto

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Orgão Emissor:
Assunto: Notícias, Português, Últimas Notícias

Pneus são alternativa para recuperar aéreas degradadas pela erosão

PIRACICABA – SP: Com aproximadamente 120 mil pneus sem condições de rodagem ou de reforma (inservíveis), foi possível recuperar uma erosão de cerca de 300 metros (m) de comprimento, por 10 m de largura e 4,5 m de profundidade, na região de Piracicaba (SP)

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Orgão Emissor:
Assunto: Notícias, Português, Últimas Notícias

FuelCell Energy Power Plant Running on Waste Byproduct to Generate Stable Electricity Source for Showcase Eco-Community in Japan

FuelCell Energy Power Plant Running on Waste Byproduct to Generate Stable Electricity Source for Showcase Eco-Community in Japan

FuelCell Energy today announced that one of its 250-kilowatt Direct FuelCell (DFC) power plants, sold by its Asian distributor Marubeni Corporation, will supply power as part of the electric grid servicing a school, a hospital, apartment buildings and city hall in a planned, renewable energy community on the western coast of Japan.


Orgão Emissor:
Assunto: Latest News, Notícias

FuelCell Energy Power Plant Running on Waste Byproduct to Generate Stable Electricity Source for Showcase Eco-Community in Japan

FuelCell Energy Power Plant Running on Waste Byproduct to Generate Stable Electricity Source for Showcase Eco-Community in Japan

FuelCell Energy today announced that one of its 250-kilowatt Direct FuelCell (DFC) power plants, sold by its Asian distributor Marubeni Corporation, will supply power as part of the electric grid servicing a school, a hospital, apartment buildings and city hall in a planned, renewable energy community on the western coast of Japan.

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Orgão Emissor:
Assunto: English, Latest News, Notícias