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Assunto: | Notícias |
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Compost – soil bank for the future
The word compost conjures
up images of an untidy heap
of assorted kitchen and vegetable
remains at the far end
of the garden. A more scientific
definition of compost
would be the product of natural
degradation of botanical and
putrescible waste by the action of
bacteria, fungi and other organisms
in the presence of an adequate
air supply. The biological
decomposition processes break
down complex organic substances
into carbon dioxide,
water and a residue: compost.
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Assunto: | Notícias |
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Una tonelada de madera absorbe casi dos de CO2
NACIONAL- Los árboles depuran el aire y para poder generar una tonelada de madera que tarda diez años en formarse éstos procesan y fijan 1,85 toneladas de CO2. Es una de las ventajas de la madera que también influyen en las variaciones climáticas y limitan la erosión.
Orgão Emissor: | |
Assunto: | Las Últimas, Spañol |
Link: |
Phone Books Can Be Recycled
The Lakeland recycling office is collecting out-of-date phone books through March 25.
Orgão Emissor: | |
Assunto: | English, Latest News |
Link: |
Should We Throw Hazardous Waste Into Volcanoes?
An answer to the Explainer’s 2007 Question of the Year
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Assunto: | English, Latest News |
Link: |
Recycling – New York style
You would probably imagine that New York City with its dense 8.2 million population and towering apartment blocks would struggle to cope with recycling. So how does it compare to London and its 7.6 million residents?
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Assunto: | English, Latest News |
Link: |
Homem já ’come’ quase metade da Terra
As mais de 6 bilhões de pessoas monopolizam hoje 45% de toda a matéria viva produzida em terra firme – e nada indica que essa taxa esteja parando de crescer
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Assunto: | Português, Últimas Notícias |
Link: |
’Green’ Light Bulbs Pack Toxic Ingredient
Highly efficient fluorescent light bulbs are widely touted as environmentally friendly, but they have created a recycling headache for the EPA and local governments. More often than not, their toxic ingredients simply end up in landfills, where the chemicals can leach into soil and water and poison fish and other wildlife
Orgão Emissor: | |
Assunto: | English, Latest News |
Link: |
Reciclar ahorra energía
La energía que se utiliza para fabricar papel reciclado es un 60% menos de la que se necesita para obtener una tonelada de papel virgen. La cantidad de energía que se necesita para hacer funcionar un televisor durante tres horas se consigue con el reciclaje de una sola lata de aluminio
Orgão Emissor: | |
Assunto: | Las Últimas, Spañol |
Link: |
No ano de 2005 foram reportadas ao Centro de Investigação e Prevenção de Acidentes Aeronáuticos, 480 colisões entre pássaros e aeronaves no Brasil. Em 2006, os números ainda em contagem, indicam que são mais de 400 ocorrências, e caso continue seguindo a esta média, para 2007 projeta-se um número ainda maior
Orgão Emissor: | |
Assunto: | Português, Últimas Notícias |
Link: |