Tipping point: what happens when our landfills are full?
Tipping point: what happens when our landfills are full?
Tipping point: what happens when our landfills are full?
Tipping point: what happens when our landfills are full?
Tipping point: what happens when our landfills are full?
Metodología propuesta para la clausura de tiraderos a cielo abierto, caso de estudio
En México se han formado un gran número de tiraderos a cielo abierto como consecuencia del déficit de cobertura en la disposición de los residuos sólidos municipales (RSM), en estos lugares, diariamente se han dispuesto aproximadamente 48,705 ton a nivel nacional, que han y siguen impactando el ambiente poniendo en …
Mais »Modeling the Influence of Biodegradation on Sanitary Landfill Settlements
Abstract. This paper presents a mathematical model to reproduce long term or secondary settlement of sanitary landfills. Sec-ondary compression is assumed to be commanded by two main processes: mechanical creep compression and the biodegradationof waste. The model introduces a biodegradation parameter that relates mass loss with volumetric variations. The biodegradationof …
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Você acabou de comer em um restaurante fast food e vai jogar no lixo o resto de comida, as embalagens, os copos, os utensílios e os guardanapos. Na coleta de lixo diária no seu bairro, você leva o lixo para a calçada e os lixeiros jogam o conteúdo em um …
Mais »ntroduction to Solid Waste Landfills
Dealing with the vast quantities of waste that our industrial society produces has become a major challenger for business and government. Improper past disposal practices have caused environmental degradation. need for costly remedial actions, and public opposition to the siting of new facilities. In some areas of the country, waste …
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