Órgãos de Limpeza Urbana no Brasil
Gestión de residuos de la atención de la salud: actualización sobre COVID-19
24 de marzo de 2020. Estas recomendaciones se actualizan en función de las últimas novedades. Consulte periódicamente para obtener la información más reciente.
ABETRE, ABLP, ABRELPE e SELUR/SELURB, tradicionais entidades do setor de Gestão de Resíduos Sólidos, compreendendo a responsabilidade que os serviços essenciais de limpeza urbana e manejo de resíduos têm para com a sociedade, em conjunto, desenvolvem várias ações não só para proteger a sua Força de Trabalho em todo o …
Mais »Minimising the present and future plastic waste, energy and environmental footprints related to COVID-19
The sudden shift in waste composition and quantity highlights the need for a dynamically reponsive waste management system. Six future research directions are suggested to mitigate the potential impacts of the pandemic on waste management systems.
Mais »Minimising the present and future plastic waste, energy and environmental footprints related to COVID-19
The sudden shift in waste composition and quantity highlights the need for a dynamically reponsive waste management system. Six future research directions are suggested to mitigate the potential impacts of the pandemic on waste management systems.
Mais »Minimising the present and future plastic waste, energy and environmental footprints related to COVID-19
The sudden shift in waste composition and quantity highlights the need for a dynamically reponsive waste management system. Six future research directions are suggested to mitigate the potential impacts of the pandemic on waste management systems.
Mais »Minimising the present and future plastic waste, energy and environmental footprints related to COVID-19
The sudden shift in waste composition and quantity highlights the need for a dynamically reponsive waste management system. Six future research directions are suggested to mitigate the potential impacts of the pandemic on waste management systems.
Mais »Minimising the present and future plastic waste, energy and environmental footprints related to COVID-19
The sudden shift in waste composition and quantity highlights the need for a dynamically reponsive waste management system. Six future research directions are suggested to mitigate the potential impacts of the pandemic on waste management systems.
Mais »Minimising the present and future plastic waste, energy and environmental footprints related to COVID-19
The sudden shift in waste composition and quantity highlights the need for a dynamically reponsive waste management system. Six future research directions are suggested to mitigate the potential impacts of the pandemic on waste management systems.
Mais »