Germany – dioxin emissions report; incineration no longer a significant source

Dedicated waste incineration plants no longer play a significant role in contributing to emissions of dioxins, dust or heavy metals in Germany, according to a report from the German Federal Environment Protection Agency (UBA).

Euwid reports that dixoin emissions from Germany‘‘s 66 dedicated waste incinerators emitted in total less than 0.5 g toxicity equivalent (TE). This compares with 1990 figures when 48 plants emitted 400 g TE.

Figures show that total dioxin emissions in Germany in 1990 were 1,200 g TE (MSW incineration was 33% of this), while in 2000 total emissions were down to less than 70 g (MSW incineration was 0.7% of this).

Euwid reports also that the German Environment Ministry claims that there would be more air pollution if there were no incinerators, due to displacement of fossil fuelled power stations

Ano da Publicação: 2005
Fonte: WARMER BULLETIN ENEWS #34-2005-August 20, 2005
Autor: Kit Strange/Warmer Bulletin
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