Wales -waste food power scheme expands

A Powys, Wales project generating environmentally-friendly electricity from left-over food is to expand, doubling the amount of homes it serves. BBC reports that the scheme, which began in Newtown last year, will take in the nearby towns of Welshpool and Montgomery and the village of Guilsfield. Operator Cwm Harry Land …

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Dubai- study says hotels waste energy

Power consumption and carbon dioxide emissions in Dubai‘‘s hotels are outpacing those of their counterparts in other countries, according to a study. Gulf News reports that the study, undertaken by Dubai-based facilities management firm Farnek Avireal, highlighted the growing problem of energy wastage in the UAE and across the region. …

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A reciclagem e seus percalços

O reuso tem uma característica peculiar, que é o baixo a nulo consumo de energia e de insumos para sua realização. Esta é a grande diferença frente à reciclagem. por Júlio Carlos Afonso Estamos acostumados a pensar que a reciclagem é a solução perfeita para as questões ambientais que afligem …

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