UK – public support for pay-as-you-throw

The Local Government Association (LGA) has found that almost two-thirds of people would support a "pay-as-you-throw" system of collecting household waste. BBC Online reports that a poll of 1,028 people found 64% in favour of lower council tax and charges according to how much rubbish they put out, with recyclers …

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Japan – Fujitsu reveals biodegradable laptop

ZDNet reports that Fujitsu has taken the use of biodegradable plastic beyond picnic ware and household items, and designed a notebook with a biodegradable chassis. The Fujitsu LifeBook sports a chassis made from a plastic made from cornstarch, rather than petroleum. When it is disposed of, the chassis will decompose …

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Taiwan – recycling should be even more innovative

Not many years ago, people in Taiwan hardly thought twice about their garbage, reports China Post. From the smallest village to the capital Taipei, huge piles of garbage could be seen on streets and sidewalks, complete with flies, mosquitoes, rats and stray animals picking at leaking plastic bags. Since then, …

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Taiwan – EPA to require cooking oil waste checks in September

The China Post reports that the Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration will require over 500 fast food chain stores and instant noodle manufacturers in September to report the amount of cooking oil waste left over from their operations as well as the method of their disposal in the government‘‘s effort to …

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