Ugandan entrepreneurs cook up eco-friendly dryer to cut food waste

KAMPALA, July 28 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – At their workshop in a Kampala suburb, Lawrence Okettayot and his business partner, both in their mid-20s, drilled holes and screws into a steel-lined, green wooden box designed to dry food in an eco-friendly way. Link:

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BANS AND BEYOND: Designing and Implementing Organic Waste Bans and Mandatory Organics Recycling Laws

This toolkit analyzes the structure and implementation of organic waste bans and presents examples from states and cities with existing or proposed waste bans. The toolkit provides a resource to help state and local governments, advocates, and other stakeholders evaluate options for developing policies to address food waste and tailor …

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BANS AND BEYOND: Designing and Implementing Organic Waste Bans and Mandatory Organics Recycling Laws

This toolkit analyzes the structure and implementation of organic waste bans and presents examples from states and cities with existing or proposed waste bans. The toolkit provides a resource to help state and local governments, advocates, and other stakeholders evaluate options for developing policies to address food waste and tailor …

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