EU WEEE legislation moves forward

In Europe, manufacturers will have to pay for recycling electrical goods ranging from refrigerators to laptop computers under an agreement reached recently by negotiators from European Union (EU) governments and the EU’s parliament. AP news service reports that the European Commission, estimates that old appliances account for about six million …

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Carrier Bag Consortium formed – industry fights its corner

A consortium of plastic carrier bag manufacturers and distributors has been created to undertake a PR offensive which aims to show that the carrier bag is the best environmental choice that consumers can make. With a website ( in place offering a range of information, it is clear that the …

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Um outro tipo de energia do lixo? RSU (resíduos sólidos urbanos) é alimento para baterias movidas por bactérias

Uma bateria movida por restos de comida pode carregar uma outra bateria que complemente o fornecimento de energia doméstico, dizem pesquisadores britânicos. A New Scientist noticia que apesar de tais células microbiológicas de combustível (MFCs) terem sido desenvolvidas no passado, elas sempre se mostraram extremamente ineficientes e caras. Agora Chris …

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