Scottish sustainability indicators published

Scottish sustainability indicators published Twenty-four sustainable development indicators have been published by the Scottish government as part of a new framework policy for sustainability. The document recommends a special focus on energy, resource use and transport. Indicators, some including time-specific targets, include greenhouse gas emissions, tonnes of waste landfilled and …

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China drafts law to control pollution

China drafts law to control pollution China is planning environmental regulations which will include waste-related topics. The Xinhua news agency reports that China will legislate to encourage clean production and control pollution brought about by its rapid economic expansion. The draft clean production law, tabled to the NPC Standing Committee …

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Projeto de lei na China para controlar poluição

Projeto de lei na China para controlar poluição A China está planejando regulamentos ambientais que deverão incluir tópicos relacionados ao lixo. A Xinhua news agency relata que a China fará uma legislação para encorajar uma produção limpa e controlar a poluição causada por sua rápida expansão econômica. A lei de …

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Nickel-cadmium batteries in Germany – new study favours ban

Nickel-cadmium batteries in Germany – new study favours ban Rechargeable nickel-cadmium batteries account for about 400 tons of the highly toxic heavy metal cadmium discharged into the environment in Germany every year. The most significant cause is that the present take-back systems for used batteries are apparently inadequate. A mere …

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Bateria de cádmio na Alemanha – nova pesquisa favorece a proibição

Bateria de cádmio na Alemanha – nova pesquisa favorece a proibição As baterias recarregáveis níquel-cádmio contabilizam 400 toneladas do metal pesado altamente tóxico, cádmio, descarregado no meio-ambiente na Alemanha todo ano. A causa mais significativa é que os atuais sistemas de coleta de baterias usadas são aparentemente inadequados. Apenas 30 …

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Americans Throwing Away 100 billion Bottles and Cans Annually

American consumers are throwing away a record 100 billion beverage bottles and cans a year. Litter and waste problems have prompted legislators in 15 states and Puerto Rico to propose refundable deposits on a wide range of beverages, from soft drinks and beer to the increasingly popular bottled waters, juices, …

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