Legislação Ambiental

Responsabilidade civil na degradação, poluição e dano ambientais; Direito difuso e coletivo; Infrações passíveis de perícia ecológica; Legislação ambiental, histórico e situação atual; Seguro ambiental e responsabilidade civil em danos causados por poluição. Prof.: Esp. Antônio Carlos Gusmão – FEEMA Obs.:Aula aos sábados das 8h às 17h. Carga Horária: 20h …

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3rd International Symposium on Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Waste

The IWA Symposiums on Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Wastes (Venice, 1992 And Barcelona 1999) provided an important platform for the conveyance of scientific results, operational experience and for discussion of future visions and goals. With the Munich Symposium, the past successful interaction between researchers, practitioners and representatives of municipalities and …

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8th Annual Composting Technology Centre Composting Conference

The 8th Annual Composting Technology Centre Composting Conference at Olds College will host a panel of expert speakers from across Canada, who will discuss new advances in the composting industry. Topics include: Compost Quality Standards, Municipal Composting Programs, Agricultural Systems, Wet / Dry Separation Systems, and Compost Utilization. A diverse …

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Air driers more ‘environmentally-friendly’ than paper towels

Survey of wastes spread on land Hot air blowing hand driers produce half the global warming burden of paper towels, although the use of paper towels results in lower resource depletion, a report commissioned by the air drier manufacturer Airdri has revealed. The streamlined life-cycle assessment study, carried out by …

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ISWA 2002

The Congress and the Exhibition entitled “Appropriate Environmental and Solid Waste Management and Technologies for Developing Countries” to be held in Istanbul at July 8-12, 2002 will be attended by 2000 delegates. The Congress, organized jointly by the International Solid Waste Association (ISWA) and the Kriton Curi Environment Foundation, will …

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