Aluminium can recycling – Brazil sets pace

“In 1997, Brazil recycled a record 64 per cent of aluminium cans, ahead of wealthier countries such as France, UK and Australia. Brazilian non-profit recycling association Cempre reports that 61.700 tons of aluminium (4,1 billions cans) were collected in 1997, a growth of 50 per cent in a single year …

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Half european packaging recovered in 2000

“By the millennium, some 30 million tonnes of waste packaging will be recycled or recovered as energy across the Europe, reports Euwid Recycling &. This is around half the total and indicates some success in complying with EU legislative targets. The cost of recycling is said to range between DM …

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Packaging recycling benefits the environment

” The Swedish Environment Agency – Naturvardsverket – has concluded that the benefits of recycling packaging materials outweight the environmental costs. The agency found that the balance recycling came out ahead of the other waste management options.”

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Reciclaje de desechos de empaques y embalajes em Costa Rica

El informe, producto de una Consultoría de la CEPAL dentro del proyecto “Políticas para la gestión ambientalmente adecuadas de los desechos”, ofrece información sobre la situación del manejo de los desechos sólidos en Costa Rica. De igual forma, presenta los resultados de una evaluación técnico-económica para el reciclaje de empaques, …

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Precautions in paper recycling

A widely explored myth is that waste paper recycling saves forests and preserves natural resources. On the contrary, cellulose is always obtained from cultivated trees, a renewable resource. And the energy consumed in recycling paper is in some cases many times greater than the energy used in its fabrication from …

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Consumption in the USA

To give an idea of the amount of nondurable products consumed in the US and consequently of the potential for solid waste recovery, we shall quote some bits of information from Tom Heyman’s “In an Average Lifetime”: “During his life, the average American will consume 20.301 bottles of beer, 460 …

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