Coffins of recycled material

In Germany coffins weighing only 12 kg made from 85% waste paper and which pack flat are on sale. Although they cost half the price of a wooden coffin, their appearance is similar. One of their advantages is reduced air pollution at crematoriums

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Clothes back to the manufacturer

OTL Sportfashion Vertrieb, a German manufacturer has proposed a scheme to take back used clothes within five years of purchase. Purchasers receive a voucher to be presented with the clothes and retailers return clothing to OTL having refunded the value of the voucher to the customer

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Carpet leasing

Interface Inc., in Atlanta, USA company which makes carpets, is pioneering carpet leasing – installing and maintaining carpets for a fee rather than selling them. This is the logical conclusion of the Producer Responsibility concept, where customers pay for the service they want (in this case a floor covering service), …

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Coffins of recycled material

In Germany coffins weighing only 12 kg made from 85% waste paper and which pack flat are on sale. Although they cost half the price of a wooden coffin, their appearance is similar. One of their advantages is reduced air pollution at crematoriums

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Clothes back to the manufacturer

OTL Sportfashion Vertrieb, a German manufacturer has proposed a scheme to take back used clothes within five years of purchase. Purchasers receive a voucher to be presented with the clothes and retailers return clothing to OTL having refunded the value of the voucher to the customer

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Carpet leasing

Interface Inc., in Atlanta, USA company which makes carpets, is pioneering carpet leasing – installing and maintaining carpets for a fee rather than selling them. This is the logical conclusion of the Producer Responsibility concept, where customers pay for the service they want (in this case a floor covering service), …

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