World – international youth survey reveals confidence future growth of the recycling industry

Teenagers agree climate change is greatest global challenge but still expect better lifestyle than their parents.

According to a new international study from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), two thirds of teenagers today see the recycling industry as the most likely to enjoy the greatest growth in the near future. Chinese teenagers in particular see themselves working in the recycling business.

Commissioned by the IET, the 2020 Vision programme polled 1,750 14 to 18 year-olds in Australia, China, Germany, Hong Kong, India, the US and the UK, and the findings reveal their hopes and fears for the future.

Although today‘‘s teenagers see climate change and depleting energy resources as the greatest global threats they don‘‘t believe it will impact on their personal lifestyle.

Overall, teenagers expect to earn more, have more and work less than their parents. 73 per cent of teenagers expect to earn more than their parents, with the same number expecting a better quality of life. A quarter of all those surveyed expect to reap these rewards while working fewer hours.

Other findings include:

Chinese youth lead on environmental awareness

1 in 3 expect to work abroad

the appeal of ‘‘media studies‘‘ is a global phenomenon

Chinese and Indian teens are the most confident their future quality of life will be better than their parents (90 per cent and 92 per cent respectively), whilst 65 per cent of UK teens expect ‘‘no difference‘‘ when comparing their lifestyle with their parents and 20 per cent of German teens expect it will be worse.

Australian teens (75 per cent) and USA teens (72 per cent) see changes in the cost of living as a high priority in comparison to the other countries.

Issues of security at home and travelling were also most important to the Americans (61 per cent) and the Australians (58 per cent) than any other country.

Indian teenagers are the least worried of all those surveyed about green challenges (48 per cent) and are more concerned about population changes (61 per cent), which ranked fifth overall in the league table of threats.

Whilst teenagers overall think teachers make the world a better place, and that medicine and engineering are the most aspirational careers – they don‘‘t want to work in these fields. The most popular career choice (47 per cent) was computing followed by media (TV/Film/Music and Journalism).

Ano da Publicação: 2007
Fonte: WARMER BULLETIN ENEWS #25-2007-June 22, 2007
Autor: Kit Strange/Warmer Bulletin
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