Research Council Sponsored Seminar Series on Transdisciplinary Approaches to Waste Management: Landfill Directive

The ESRC Centre for Business Relationships, Accountability, Sustainability and Society (BRASS) is hosting this seminar – the sixth of a series of eight on issues of waste management. The Landfill Directive aims to reduce negative effects of waste disposal on the environment, and to prevent pollution caused by surface and ground water soil and air, together with potential harm to human health caused by the landfilling of waste. The Landfill Directive demands considerable change in waste management in the UK including the separation out of different sorts of waste and the pre-treatment of non-inert wastes prior to landfilling

Data: 5 de fevereiro de 2004
Início: 1 de fevereiro de 2004
País: UK
Cidade: London
Informações para Contato:
Tel: +44 029 20 876562

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