
UK – composting doubles in two years

The amount of material being composted in the UK increased 100% between 1999/00 and 2001/02 according to The Composting Association’s latest survey of the composting industry. The State of Composting in the UK 2001/2 indicated that 1.66 million tonnes (Mt) of material was processed at 218 composting facilities. The State …

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UK – local authorities to receive funds to engage the public on recycling and minimisation

Local authorities in the UK have access to new funding to help them communicate their recycling and waste minimisation messages. The Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP) is launching its new Local Communications Fund on December 8th to provide direct support for local communications initiatives throughout England. Under DEFRA’s Waste …

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Demoninações dos aterros e aves presentes nos aterros da América Latina

PAÍS LUGAR DE DISPOSICIÓN NO CONTROLADO AVE QUE VIVE DE DESECHOS Argentina Basural a cielo abierto Gallinazo, carancho Brasil Aterro, vazadouro, lixão (São Paulo) Urubú Chile Vertedero Jote, buitre Colombia Botadero, basurero a cielo abierto Gallinazo, zamuro, chulo Costa Rica Botadero Zopilote Ecuador Botadero, vertedero, muladar Gallinazo, guishco (loja) Guyana …

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Sony Music – using recycled-paper CD jackets

Japanese Sony Music Entertainment Japan Inc. (SMEJ), one of the largest corporations in the global music industry, has started using recycled paper in CD jackets and lyric cards of all newly released CDs. This change will replace an annual consumption of nearly 1,500 tons of virgin paper with recycled paper …

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Striking Out

ALTHOUGH MOST PEOPLE LIKE to forget about their garbage once they place it at the curb, garbage issues, if left unchecked, can sometimes weigh heavy on the public. For example, the recent garbage truck driver strike in Chicago tested residents’ and business owners’ mettle as they were left with overflowing …

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Landfill Love

LOVE WAS IN THE AIR, along with a few other odors, at the Tri-Town Transfer Station in Bethel, Maine. Dave Hart and Rockie Graham recently were married at the waste site, next to piles of recyclables and garbage. The couple’s red carpet event and romantic reception was attended by 250 …

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Um projeto inédito no mundo propõe evitar os enormes danos ambientais e as perdas econômicas causadas pela fabricação de pranchas de surfe na Grande Florianópolis. O estudo prevê a instalação de um centro comunitário de reciclagem para aproveitar os 70% dos resíduos desperdiçados no processo de produção desses artigos. Atualmente, …

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