
Kazakhstan Plans To Convert Solid Waste To Energy

As waste management issues have long become an everyday struggle, Central Asia’s largest country is planning to launch the ‘‘Waste-to-energy’’ project to tackle the growing mountain of trash, according to Ramazan Zhampiissov, who chairs Kazakhstan-based International Green Technologies and Investment Projects Center (IGTIPC).


Orgão Emissor:
Assunto: English, Latest News

Kazakhstan Plans To Convert Solid Waste To Energy

As waste management issues have long become an everyday struggle, Central Asia’s largest country is planning to launch the ‘‘Waste-to-energy’’ project to tackle the growing mountain of trash, according to Ramazan Zhampiissov, who chairs Kazakhstan-based International Green Technologies and Investment Projects Center (IGTIPC).

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Orgão Emissor:
Assunto: English, Latest News, Notícias

Compostagem: Transformar numa nova vida o precioso "lixo" do nosso quotidiano

Ver nos resíduos orgânicos não apenas lixo, antes um recurso valioso, é caminho para iniciarmos um projeto de compostagem. Cascas, borras de café, chá, papel, folhas secas, terão uma nova vida, como fertilizante natural. Um caminho que empreendemos nesta conversa com Eunice Maia, praticante e divulgadora de uma vida lixo zero.


Orgão Emissor:
Assunto: Português, Últimas Notícias