
"I like plastic": Pakistan‘s toxic ‘love affair‘ with waste

From the once pristine rivers of Hindu Kush to the slums of Islamabad, Pakistan is being smothered by plastic due to a lack of public awareness, government inertia and poor waste management.


From the once pristine rivers of Hindu Kush to the slums of Islamabad, Pakistan is being smothered by plastic due to a lack of public awareness, government inertia and poor waste management.

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Assunto: Latest News, Notícias

Ahogados por el plástico: la contaminación en mares y océanos crece de forma alarmante

Cada segundo, las personas arrojan más de 200 kilos de plástico al agua. El 70 se va al fondo marino y el 15 se queda flotando. Amenaza a las especies marinas y a la salud humana


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Assunto: Las Últimas, Notícias

The ultimate guide to buy Best indoor compost bin in 2019 – Top 6 indoor compost bin Reviews

Choosing a Best indoor compost bin is a challenging task. There’s a world of difference between a good, and a bad product. One looks like they’re begging for change on the street,straight out of the woods, and the other looks more at place on the red carpets of Hollywood. We’ll detail some of the factors to consider when shopping for a quality indoor compost bin.


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Assunto: Latest News, Notícias

Países del sudeste asiático piden terminar con el vertido de residuos a escalas continentales

La Asociación de Naciones del Sudeste Asiático expresó su consternación por el movimiento transfronterizo de residuos peligrosos


Orgão Emissor:
Assunto: Las Últimas, Notícias

Los participantes a la iniciativa Let‘s Clean Up Europe recogen una tercera parte más de residuos que en 2018

Los participantes en la edición 2019 de la iniciativa Let‘s Clean Up Europe (LCUE) han recogido 2.922 kilos de residuos retirados del medio natural, un 31,5 más que el año anterior, cuando se recogieron unos 2.000.


Orgão Emissor:
Assunto: Las Últimas, Notícias

Seabirds eating plastic. Recyclers struggling. This is what California’s waste crisis looks like

With China no longer a market for our disposables, the stuff we recycle increasingly winds up in landfills anyway. Localities across California are struggling to cope—and hoping not to undo the decades of work that made household recycling a habit.


Orgão Emissor:
Assunto: Latest News, Notícias

Waste-to-Energy Facilities: A Potential Solution to Morocco’s Waste Management Problem

Rabat – As the world’s population increases, countries are facing growing environmental challenges. A big issue is “waste,” and what to do with all of the unwanted products that are being generated by human consumption.


Orgão Emissor:
Assunto: Latest News, Notícias