
Can Condoms Be Recycled?

We live in a time where we are trying to be more environmentally conscious than ever before. Every choice that we make can have an impact on our environment. And every day, people are pledging to do their part to help protect the Earth. Perhaps you may want to live a "greener" lifestyle. Could that include your choice of birth control? You bet it does! Another huge proponent of going green is recycling. So this begs the question, can condoms be recycled?


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Assunto: Latest News, Notícias

Brasil negocia crédito de 500 mdd con el banco de los Brics para acciones de calidad ambiental urbana

RIO DE JANEIRO, 15 ago (Xinhua) El gobierno brasileño anunció hoy que negocia un crédito de 500 millones de dólares con el banco de los Brics (NDB) para realizar acciones de calidad ambiental urbana en varios municipios del país.


Orgão Emissor:
Assunto: Las Últimas, Notícias

De qué manera la basura plástica acelera el cambio climático

Según la ONU, hay 300 millones de toneladas de residuos plásticos que se producen cada año. Además de la grave contaminación que implica su quema, la exposición solar de los que no son tratados, también genera gases de efecto invernadero


Orgão Emissor:
Assunto: Las Últimas, Notícias

NYC program collects 100,000 e-scrap items

New York City’s curbside e-scrap program has collected more than 100,000 electronic items from residential homes since the start of the program less than three years ago, the city reported at a press conference hosted by the New York City Council Minority Leader Steven Matteo and the New York City Department of Sanitation (DSNY) Commissioner Kathryn Garcia last week.


Orgão Emissor:
Assunto: Latest News, Notícias