
Characterisation of wastes collected from beaches, coastlines, marine surface cleaning processes and ships: A case study of Istanbul

Marine waste management is crucial for Istanbul because of the significant location for intercontinental transition, international trade, tourism, industry and shipping. This study is the first one realised in Turkey for the detailed characterisation of marine waste.


Orgão Emissor:
Assunto: Latest News, Notícias

Encouraging recycling among households in Malaysia: Does deterrence matter?

To encourage recycling in Malaysian households, a waste separation at source programme was implemented that made it mandatory for households to sort their waste into different categories before leaving it out for collection. Penalties designed to act as a deterrent are imposed on households that fail to sort their waste appropriately.


Orgão Emissor:
Assunto: Latest News, Notícias

Nestlé, una fábrica de producir residuos plásticos

En el último año, con la ayuda de personas como tú, hemos conseguido transmitir la importancia de eliminar los plásticos de un solo uso tanto a supermercados como a empresas. Ya sabemos que la contaminación por plásticos es una amenaza medioambiental, que puede afectar a nuestra salud, y reconozcámoslo, ¡estamos ya hartas de ver plásticos y microplásticos por todos lados!


Orgão Emissor:
Assunto: Las Últimas, Notícias

Working with the Informal Service Chain as a Locally Appropriate Strategy for Sustainable Modernization of Municipal Solid Waste Management Systems in Lower-Middle Income Cities: Lessons from Accra, Ghana

Abstract: Twenty years of formal private sector participation in solid waste management in Ghana has failed to deliver an increase in collection coverage and recycling rates. This article shares lessons and experiences from Accra, Ghana, a middle-income city where researchers and municipal solid waste managers have collaborated to modernize the municipal solid waste management system by working together to develop a locally appropriate response to the informal waste service sector.


Orgão Emissor:
Assunto: Latest News, Notícias

PLASTIC ENERGY to Develop Five Chemical Plastic Recycling Plants in Indonesia

London based PLASTIC ENERGY, which has developed a process to recycle difficult to recycle plastic waste on a commercial scale, has reached an agreement with the province of West Java, Indonesia, to build five chemical recycling plants.


Orgão Emissor:
Assunto: Latest News, Notícias

Aquí estará el acopio de basuras de Medellín

El lote de El Caracol, un predio vecino a la Terminal de Transportes del Norte en el que durante mucho tiempo estuvieron asentados los mecánicos del barrio Naranjal, se convertirá en la estación de recolección y gestión de las 1.800 toneladas diarias de residuos que genera Medellín.


Orgão Emissor:
Assunto: Las Últimas, Notícias