Some plastics are destined for the recycling bin while others should be tossed into the trash.
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Some plastics are destined for the recycling bin while others should be tossed into the trash.
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In Goma, a town in the Democratic Republic of Congo, a woman-led recycling company is tackling plastic pollution, and creating jobs for some of the country’s millions of internally displaced people. Zanem Nety Zaidi takes us inside this entrepreneur’s business.
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Plastic is everywhere. How much do you know about it? Try our six question quiz to see how close you can get to the actual numbers about the state of the plastic waste crisis.
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New England Coffee’s new capsule made from three biopolymers bypasses landfill and acts as a drip-like filter to enhance the brew’s flavor.
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Fashion for Good and Textile Exchange launched the Tracing Textile Waste Project, a two-year multi-stakeholder initiative to harmonise data and systems capabilities in the reverse supply chain.
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Assunto: | English, Latest News, Notícias |
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Os produtos tornam-se obsoletos cada vez mais rapidamente e são descartados, pela descontinuidade de serviços de manutenção, por falhas técnicas, por conveniência em consumir e, sobretudo, pelo encurtamento dos ciclos de vida.
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Assunto: | Notícias, Português, Últimas Notícias |
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A empresa Torre Construções foi a vencedora do leilão promovido pelo Consórcio Intermunicipal do Mosaico das Apas do Baixo Sul da Bahia (CIAPRA) para concessão patrocinada para prestação dos serviços de transporte, tratamento e destinação final de resíduos sólidos urbanos dos municípios que compõem o CIAPRA.
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Assunto: | Notícias, Português, Últimas Notícias |
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Ao contrário dos lixões, os aterros sanitários são a saída mais sustentável, ambientalmente responsável e socialmente viável para assegurar o descarte correto de resíduos e preservar a integridade da fauna e flora, especialmente em nossa região, um ecossistema único no planeta”.
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Assunto: | Notícias, Português, Últimas Notícias |
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Negotiations for a global treaty on plastic pollution1 will shape future policies on plastics production, use and waste management. Its parties will benefit from a high-resolution baseline of waste flows and plastic emission sources to enable identification of pollution hotspots and their causes2.
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Assunto: | English, Latest News, Notícias |
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Orizon prevê mais de R$ 1 bi em complexos para extrair energia de aterros
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Assunto: | Notícias, Português, Últimas Notícias |
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