
Pictured: World’s biggest facility that turns corpses into compost, then gives soil to families

A groundbreaking new facility that will be the largest in the world to turn human remains into compost is preparing to open in the coming weeks. Return Home plans to open in Seattle in April – and will hand grieving families an urn of soil belonging to their late loved one. It can process 10 bodies a month.

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Assunto: English, Latest News, Notícias

Projeto sobre créditos plásticos avança com o apoio do Banco Mundial

O Banco Mundial, através do IFC, está financiando um projeto de circularidade de plásticos no Brasil, Chile e Peru. A BVRio é parceira do consórcio internacional sob a liderança conjunta da Fundación Chile (FCh) e do Programa de Ação de Resíduos e Recursos (WRAP).

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Orgão Emissor:
Assunto: Notícias, Português, Últimas Notícias