Ecoeficiência: um instrumento para a redução da geração de resíduos e desperdícios em estabelecimentos de saúde

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Data da Publicação:




Cristina Lúcia Silveira Sisinno, Josino Costa Moreira


The main goal of health care units is patient
care. During this process, water, energy, and different materials are used, generating liquid effluents and solid waste that require adequate
treatment. Although medical waste management demands increasing attention by health
care units, reduction in the generation of medical solid waste has still not been set as a priority. Using ecoefficiency techniques, it is possible
to demonstrate whether a company is meeting
it standards for quality, procedures, environmental control, and economic efficiency. Therefore, ecoefficient companies realize both economic and environmental benefits through progressive reduction in solid waste, liquid effluents, and air emissions. This new concept requires further dissemination among health care
units, since many are making efforts to improve
quality of services, but still overlook the issue of
waste and generate an increasing amount of
solid waste. This leads not only to waste of raw
materials but also additional costs for proper
waste management.


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