Garage Sales 101: Turning Trash to Cash

Autor: Lisa Oliver
Data da Publicação: 03/03/12

Having a garage sale is fun, a great way to make money and to meet the neighbors. But not all garage sales are created equal and quite honestly if you are going to put all the effort into running one (or more, this could be a weekly thing you know) then you might as well give yourself the best chance of success you can. Fortunately you have this book to help you! In the next pages you will learn how important preparation is in setting up your sale – you have one chance to impress and excite your potential buyers so setting out the goods, pricing and how you greet your customers are all important things to consider. We will also cover the pros and cons of advertising your sale, and the best way to go about it. During the sale you want to be sure you are not going to be ripped off by light fingered individuals. You also want to be available to answer questions about different items; take money, wrap goods sold and more. How to stay organized in the chaos of garage sale day will all be explained in here. And so we come to after the sale. Some goods remaining – not too many we hope. What to do once the crowds are gone with your remaining items and how to go about planning the next great garage sale. The next one? Yes that is right. Garage sales are addictive and once you have seen how easy it is to make money with things you considered junk in your own home you will be keen to throw another one. But one thing at a time: let’s start with all of the preparation you need to do before garage sale day.

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