Beer money saved

A plan in Australia to pay cash for returning old cans and bottles for recycling has been binned because a carton of beer could go up by as much as A$5. The Australian Northern Territory Government is afraid beer and weekly shopping bills will go up if it introduced container …

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O curso promovido pelo IBAM – Instituto Brasileiro de Administração Municipal, faz parte de um programa de educação a distância e pode ser realizado através de material impresso ou através de sistema on-line na internet. O curso tem cinco módulos e é destinado à técnicos, secretários municipais, membros de ONG`S, …

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Wet-dry collection problems reported in Guelph, Ontario

One of North America’s most comprehensive recycling collection programmes is having trouble getting a smooth city-wide operation underway. Resource Recycling reports that in March, Guelph, Ontario moved to a three-sort, all-bagged system called wet-dry plus Wet compostable materials are kept separate from dry recyclables, and both are bagged. Residents place …

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UK EPS industry celebrates 40% recycling rate

The EPS (expanded polystyrene) packaging industry is celebrating an unprecedented rise in its recycling figures for 2001-2002. The figures show that 10,800 tonnes of used EPS packaging was recycled – an increase to 40 per cent of EPS packaging produced in the UK. This places EPS packaging ahead of glass …

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Ecological tax reform in Germany – background

The Environment team at the British Embassy in Berlin, Germany have located a handy briefing note on envrionmental taxes in Germany. Written in January, this is an up-to-date review and is 11 pages long. It describes (in English) the ecological tax reform (ETR): introduction, continuation and further development. Through ETR, …

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WRAP launches aggregain website

The Channel Tunnel Rail Link and Terminal 5 at Heathrow, UK are just two examples of major construction projects that are currently utilising large quantities of recycled and secondary aggregates. However, until recently one of the major barriers to the wider use of these materials has been the lack of …

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Wet-dry collection problems reported in Guelph, Ontario

One of North America’s most comprehensive recycling collection programmes is having trouble getting a smooth city-wide operation underway. Resource Recycling reports that in March, Guelph, Ontario moved to a three-sort, all-bagged system called wet-dry plus Wet compostable materials are kept separate from dry recyclables, and both are bagged. Residents place …

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UK EPS industry celebrates 40% recycling rate

The EPS (expanded polystyrene) packaging industry is celebrating an unprecedented rise in its recycling figures for 2001-2002. The figures show that 10,800 tonnes of used EPS packaging was recycled – an increase to 40 per cent of EPS packaging produced in the UK. This places EPS packaging ahead of glass …

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