UK consultation on landfill gas management

The EU Landfill Directive requires landfill gas to be collected and used where possible. It is important that emissions to air from landfill sites are managed and monitored to control gases and combustion products that potentially impact on health, the environment or amenity. A series of guidance documents have been …

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Most Scots want to recycle rubbish but cannot, survey claims

Most people living in Scotland want to recycle their household waste but say there are not enough facilities allowing them to do so, according to a new report. However, Scotland’s actual recycling rate suggests that those surveyed in Scotland (in common with many other polls) tend to over-estimate their own …

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Australian PVC industry steps up environment commitment

Australian Minister for the Environment and Heritage, Dr David Kemp has launched a voluntary product stewardship commitment by the Vinyl Council of Australia to improve environmental performance in the polyvinyl chloride (PVC) industry. The commitment will promote more environmentally friendly practices in the production, use and disposal of PVC products …

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Versão de caça-níqueis utiliza latas recicláveis

TERESA MENEGHEL/GP (MARINGÁ) Um comerciante de Maringá inventou a versão ecológica da máquina caça-níquel. É a caça-latas, uma máquina de aposta que, no lugar de moedas, aceita latinha de cerveja ou refrigerante vazia e sorteia prêmios que variam entre R$ 0,10 e R$ 5. Dois protótipos, instalados para testes num …

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Versão de caça-níqueis utiliza latas recicláveis

TERESA MENEGHEL/GP (MARINGÁ) Um comerciante de Maringá inventou a versão ecológica da máquina caça-níquel. É a caça-latas, uma máquina de aposta que, no lugar de moedas, aceita latinha de cerveja ou refrigerante vazia e sorteia prêmios que variam entre R$ 0,10 e R$ 5. Dois protótipos, instalados para testes num …

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Derrumbe de basura en un relleno sanitario de Navarro, Colombia.

Con mucha lástima les envío una fotografía que tome del derrumbe de aproximadamente 350.000 toneladas de material compacto compuesto por 250.000 metros cúbicos de basura y el resto de tierra, fue un movimiento mixto de rotación y de traslación con un desplazamiento aproximado de 30 metros, taponando el canal de …

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US Federal Plan For Solid Waste Incinerators

The US EPA will soon publish its proposed rule on Commercial and Industrial Solid Waste Incinerators: Emission Guidelines: Federal Plan, in the Federal Register. The proposed rule, signed by Administrator Whitman on November 6, 2002, proposes a federal plan for existing commercial and industrial solid waste incinerators (CISWI) that were …

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100 Canadian municipalities take protective climate action

Canada’s Ministers of the Environment and Natural Resources congratulated the city of Iqaluit and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities Friday as the capital city of the Nunavut Territory became the 100th Canadian municipal government to participate in a national effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions – the Partners for Climate …

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UK Government consults on composting catering waste

The UK Government’s Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) has issued a consultation document (deadline = February 3, 2003) on the treatment of catering waste containing meat in composting and biogas plants. The composting of kitchen waste is set to be allowed as long as it meets specific …

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EU waste prevention targets

The European Commission will next year make initial proposals towards establishing EU-wide waste prevention targets, a senior environment directorate official announced at an ASSURRE conference in Brussels recently. ENDS Daily reports that a policy paper on prevention targets would be published separately from three other proposals also due next year: …

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