Tag Archives: Webinar / Web-Taller

Zero Waste Master Class Series

Moving to zero waste or thinking about it? Join Antonia Castro-Graham for a live and on-demand 3-session master class series exploring the opportunities, challenges, and best practices in implementing a zero waste program. In this master class series, we‘ll explore the concept of zero waste, how to effectively design, plan, …

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Thermal Processing of Municipal Solid Waste

Live July 9th 11am PDT / 2pm EDT, 1-1.5hr* 1 PDH / 0.1 CEU Presenter: Walter R. Niessen, P.E., B.C.E.E. In this webinar we‘ll take a step beyond our Combustion Series to delve into the details of the current waste combustion and waste-to-energy systems dominating the marketplace. We‘ll start our …

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Thermal Deployment in the Pacific Northwest

The biomass thermal sector is a strong and growing segment of the bioenergy industry in the Pacific Northwest. Successful development and deployment of biomass thermal projects relies principally on the demand for clean energy, the availability of feedstock, and potent partnerships among the involved parties. The states of Washington and …

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